Blönduós Embroidery, 2016
Outdoor installation
I adored my residency in Iceland back in January 2016. It feels like so much has changed for me since then, the main difference is I'm pregnant, and my body hasn't felt like my own since finding out. I'm really excited about becoming a mum but it's lovely to have these memories of a time when I had less responsibilities and all the energy and time to invest in my practice.
When I arrived in Reykjavik, dragging my massive suitcase for the month, I instantly felt at home but also like I'd just stepped onto the surface of another planet. I'm not sure how these feelings coexisted but they did. These emotions lasted the whole time I was in Iceland, everyday I would look out my bedroom window at the frozen lake and feel mesmerised by it's beauty. I felt confident that I was in the right place at the right time, everything seemed to align, including my work.
View from my bus window on the journey between Reykjavik and Blönduós.
Horses in Blönduós
Still from video installation:
Lull, 2016
Embroidery on Irish Linen